Normalize Image

This function block normalizes the pixel values of an image between specified minimum and maximum values. It allows for better image visibility and analysis by standardizing pixel intensity across the image.

πŸ“₯ Inputs

Image Any The primary image that you want to normalize.

ROI An optional region of interest image that can be used to guide the normalization process.

πŸ“€ Outputs

Image Any The output image after normalization, with pixel values constrained between the specified limits.

πŸ•ΉοΈ Controls

Morph Type A dropdown menu that lets you choose the normalization technique, such as NORM_MINMAX, NORM_L2, NORM_L1, or NORM_INF.

Pixel Range A slider that allows you to specify the minimum and maximum pixel values for the normalization process.

Clip Intensity A slider that enables you to set the intensity threshold for the pixel values based on the mean and standard deviation of the ROI.

🎨 Features

Multiple Normalization Methods Choose from different normalization methods to adapt to your specific image processing needs.

Dynamic Intensity Clipping Adjust the clipping intensity to control which pixel values will be affected by the normalization.

Interactive Interface The layout provides interactive controls that allow you to adjust parameters in real time.

πŸ“ Usage Instructions

  1. Input Images: Connect the image you wish to normalize to the Image Any input and optionally connect a region of interest (ROI) image.

  2. Select Normalization Method: Choose the desired normalization technique from the Morph Type dropdown menu.

  3. Set Pixel Range: Adjust the Pixel Range slider to define the minimum and maximum values for pixel normalization.

  4. Control Clipping Intensity: Use the Clip Intensity slider to adjust how much the pixel values should be clipped based on the mean and standard deviation of the ROI.

  5. Evaluate: Run the block to see the normalized output image.

πŸ“Š Evaluation

Upon execution, this function block processes the input image and outputs a normalized version according to the specified parameters.

πŸ’‘ Tips and Tricks

Choosing the Right Normalization Method

Experiment with different normalization techniques available in the Morph Type dropdown to see which one yields the best visual results for your specific image.

Adjusting Clip Intensity

Setting a clip intensity of 100 means that the entire pixel intensity range will be considered for normalization. This is useful for preserving fine details. Lower values will narrow the range based on the mean and STD.

Using ROI

If you expect certain parts of the image to differ significantly in pixel intensity, consider using a region of interest to help guide the normalization for more accurate results.

πŸ› οΈ Troubleshooting

Output Image is Still Dark or Blurry

If the output image appears too dark or blurry, try adjusting the Pixel Range values or increasing the Clip Intensity. Experiment with different normalization methods as well.

Invalid ROI Input

Ensure that the ROI image provided is valid and matches the dimensions of the main image. Check that it is not None if you intend to use it for normalization.

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