Menu and Toolbar


The AugeLab Studio toolbar provides quick access to essential actions and features within the application. Here's a simple overview of the toolbar:


  • New project file[^1].

  • Example Scenarios: Check out example scenarios for beginners.

  • Open the saved project file to load.

  • Open Recent project files you have used recently from this tab.

  • Save the current project file over the same file

  • Save as current project file with a different name and location.

  • Exportscenarios to be used on older versions.

  • Exit the program and return to the desktop.

  • Undo the last action

  • Redo last action

  • Cut selection

  • Copy selection

  • Paste selection

  • Delete selection

  • Close current scenario

  • Close All scenarios

  • Next open scenario

  • Previous open scenario

  • Center current blocks in the scenario

  • Toggle Full Screen

  • Run One Step the current scenario

  • Run the current scenario on loop

  • Stop the current running scenario

  • Performance Analysis activation on current scenario

  • Run on Program Start activates automatic running on the current scenario when you launch AugeLab Studio

  • Hide/Show Blocks Toolbar

  • Hide/Show Log Window

  • Hide/Show Designer Window

  • Plugin Window is used to open the interface that manages custom solutions for you to download

  • Import Package Window is used to import Python packages to your environment

  • Install Recipe Window is used to integrate Recipe Window, an optional tool for deployement of projects.

AI Tools
  • Module Downloader is used to install AI modules into your environment

  • Object Detection Training Window is used to train a special AI model for object detection.

  • Image Annotation Window is used to prepare your dataset for your AI object detection models.

  • Demo Projects contains many example projects for you to try out.

  • About shows detailed information on the current version of AugeLab Studio

  • What's New shows the updates made to the latest version.

  • Manual directs you to this documentation

  • Survey directs you to our survey to give feedback on AugeLab Studio

  • Reactivate License is used to change the current license code.

That's all there is about the menu and toolbar!

Last updated