Block Structures

A function block consists of several elements:

  1. Header

  2. Sockets

  3. Controls

  4. Unique Name

Headers can be modified by double-clicking on and setting a custom name.

Tool Tips

Tool-tips are shown when blocks are hovered on with mouse and display information on inner mechanics of a block.

Same rules also apply to Controls. Hovering over Controls may show additional information:


Controls are custom buttons, lists, or any kind of interactable objects that are shown inside a function block. These widgets can alter the functionality of each function block.

Inputs Sockets

Data is sent to blocks through input sockets. There are usually multiple sockets in a single block.

Robust data transfer is guaranteed when sockets with same color or category are connected.

Output Sockets

Results get sent away from outputs and transferred to other blocks by connecting to an input socket.

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