Find Object - Multiple Image
This function block is designed to detect an object across multiple sections of a given main image by comparing it with a template image. It allows for precise matching even when dealing with multiple image slices.
📥 Inputs
Main Image
The primary image in which you want to search for the object.
Object Image
The image that contains the template of the object you want to find within the main image.
📤 Outputs
Image Any
The output provides the main image with highlighting on the detected areas.
Match Count
This output indicates the number of successful matches found between the main and template images.
Matched All
A boolean output showing if all object templates were matched in the main image.
🕹️ Controls
A dropdown to select the object finding method type from a list of available template matching methods.
Match Threshold %
A slider to adjust the threshold used for matching, affecting how strict the matching criteria are.
Enter Horizontal Slice Rate
An input field to specify how many horizontal slices to divide the main image into during processing.
Enter Vertical Slice Rate
An input field to specify how many vertical slices to divide the main image into during processing.
🎨 Features
Multi-Image Comparison
Efficiently enables detection of the same object in multiple slices extracted from an image.
Flexible Template Method Selection
Users can choose from various matching methods suitable for different scenarios.
Visual Feedback
The output image clearly indicates matched and unmatched areas, providing immediate visual feedback.
📝 Usage Instructions
Input Images: Connect the main image containing the object and the template image of the object you want to detect.
Set Slicing Rates: Specify the number of horizontal and vertical slices for both the main image and the object template.
Select Matching Method: Choose the desired template matching method from the
dropdown.Set Threshold: Adjust the
Match Threshold %
to set the sensitivity of the matching process.Run the Block: Execute the block to perform the object detection. The system will visualize the results on the output image.
📊 Evaluation
Upon executing this function block, the main image will be processed, and it will return the modified image highlighting the matched areas along with the match count and status of whether all templates were found.
💡 Tips and Tricks
🛠️ Troubleshooting
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