Collage Images

This function block is used to create a collage of multiple images. It can also indicate the state of each image (OK/NOK) if a corresponding flag list is provided.

📥 Inputs

Image List A list of images that you want to combine into a collage.

Flag List An optional list of flags (e.g., OK/NOK states) corresponding to each image. If provided, this will allow you to add visual indicators for each image's status in the collage.

📤 Outputs

Collaged Image The resulting image that contains the collage of all the supplied images.

🕹️ Controls

Select Image Size (Pixel) A slider that allows you to define the size of each individual image in the collage. The size can be adjusted from a minimum of 100 pixels to an adjustable maximum, depending on the setting.

🎨 Features

Flexible Image Combination Create collages with any number of images, enhancing creativity and presentation.

Status Indicators If a flag list is provided, the function block adds borders around images to indicate their respective statuses.

📝 Usage Instructions

  1. Input Images: Connect a list of images to the Image List input.

  2. Optional Flags: If desired, connect a list of flags to the Flag List input to provide status for each image.

  3. Set Image Size: Use the slider to select the desired size for each image in the collage.

  4. Create Collage: Run the block to generate and receive the collage of images as output.

📊 Evaluation

Upon execution, this function block combines the input images into a single collage, taking into account any provided status indicators.

💡 Tips and Tricks

Uniform Image Sizes

Ensure all images are of similar dimensions for a more appealing collage. You can use the Image Resize function block before this step to standardize image sizes.

Using Flags

For better visual clarity, ensure that the lengths of the flag list and image list are equal. If a flag list is not required, simply omit this input.

Experimenting with Sizes

Test various sizes using the slider to see how the collage layout changes visually. This can help you find the most aesthetically pleasing composition.

🛠️ Troubleshooting

Image Count and Flag Count Mismatch

If you encounter an error stating that the image count and flag count must be equal, ensure that both input lists are of the same length. Adjust accordingly to resolve the issue.

No Images in Collage

If the output collage is empty, verify that the input image list is not empty and contains valid image data.

Last updated

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