Camera USB External

This function block interfaces with external USB cameras, providing controls to manage camera settings, capture frames, and handle exposure features.

📥 Inputs

Activate Signal This signal activates the camera for capturing images.

Release Signal This signal releases the camera and frees resources.

Camera Index Specifies the index of the camera to be used.

Resolution Width The desired width for the camera resolution.

Resolution Height The desired height for the camera resolution.

Scan Cameras A signal to trigger a scan for available cameras.

Set Exposure A numeric value for manual exposure control.

Set Auto Exposure A numeric value for automatic exposure control.

📤 Outputs

Camera Frame This output provides the most recent frame captured by the connected camera.

🕹️ Controls

Current Resolution A label that displays the currently set resolution of the camera.

🎨 Features

Dynamic Camera Management Easily scan for and select cameras before usage.

Adjustable Resolution and Exposure Users can change camera resolution dynamically and set exposure preferences.

Robust Error Handling Automatic logging and recovery procedures when camera operations fail.

Black Frame Detection Monitors frame data to detect and manage blank images, restarting the camera as needed.

📝 Usage Instructions

  1. Connect to USB Camera: Ensure your USB camera is connected.

  2. Scan for Cameras: Send a signal through the Scan Cameras input to find available cameras.

  3. Select Camera Index: Specify the index of the desired camera to use.

  4. Set Resolution: Input the desired width and height for the camera's resolution.

  5. Adjust Exposure: Optionally, set manual or automatic exposure values if necessary.

  6. Activate Camera: Send the Activate Signal to start capturing frames.

📊 Evaluation

Once activated, this function block captures frames from the selected USB camera and outputs the latest frame for further processing or analysis.

💡 Tips and Tricks

Camera Index Adjustment

If you have multiple cameras, try different camera indices to find the one that works best; some indices may not be available depending on your setup.

Effective Exposure Settings

Start with default exposure settings and adjust slowly—exposure too low can lead to dark images; too high may result in washed-out frames.

Changing Resolutions

Make sure the selected resolution is supported by your camera. If the camera doesn’t support the chosen resolution, it may revert to a default value.

Black Frames Handling

If you encounter black frames frequently, consider checking the camera connection and settings, or restarting the camera using the release signal.

🛠️ Troubleshooting

No Camera Detected

Make sure the camera is properly connected and installed. Confirm that it is recognized by your operating system.

Failed to Capture Frame

If frame capture fails, try restarting the camera or adjusting the exposure settings. Ensure the camera isn't being used by another application.

Invalid Resolution/Error Resetting

Make sure the resolution inputs are valid and change according to what your camera can support. Always check for valid index and resolution combinations.

Last updated