
This function block is used to determine if the first input value is greater than all subsequent input values. It provides an easy way to perform greater-than comparisons within logical operations.

📥 Inputs

Number The first number to be compared against other numbers.

Number Any additional numbers to compare against the first input.

📤 Outputs

Boolean This output returns TRUE if the first input is greater than all the subsequent inputs, and FALSE otherwise.

🕹️ Controls

No specific controls are present within this function block; it primarily processes the numerical inputs provided.

🎨 Features

Versatile Comparisons The block allows comparisons beyond two numbers, supporting multiple subsequent inputs.

Logical Output Provides a straightforward Boolean output that can be used for further logical operations in your processing flow.

📝 Usage Instructions

  1. Input Numbers: Connect the first number to compare and any subsequent numbers you wish to assess against the first input.

  2. Evaluate: Run the block to perform the comparison. The output will indicate whether the first number is greater than all others.

📊 Evaluation

When executed, this block will return a TRUE or FALSE value based on the comparison result of the inputs.

💡 Tips and Tricks

Combining with Other Logical Operations

This block can be combined with other logical operations such as And, Or, and Not to create complex conditions based on multiple comparisons.

Using with Number Inputs

When using with the Number Input function block, connect it to this block to compare user-defined numbers dynamically.

🛠️ Troubleshooting

No Output Produced

Ensure that two or more numbers are provided as inputs. If there are fewer inputs, the block will not execute.

Unexpected Boolean Result

If you receive an unexpected TRUE or FALSE result, double-check the input values provided to ensure they are as intended and accurate.

Last updated