Color Density Percentage

This function block is designed to compute the percentage of color density for the red, green, and blue channels in an input image. It provides detailed output on the different color contributions within the image.

πŸ“₯ Inputs

Image Any The input to this block is any color image from which color density percentages are calculated.

πŸ“€ Outputs

Red Percentage The percentage of the red color in the image.

Red The total intensity value of the red channel from the first pixel.

Green Percentage The percentage of the green color in the image.

Green The total intensity value of the green channel from the first pixel.

Blue Percentage The percentage of the blue color in the image.

Blue The total intensity value of the blue channel from the first pixel.

πŸ•ΉοΈ Controls

This function block does not have direct controls.

🎨 Features

Color Contribution Analysis Automatically computes the contribution of each color channel in the image, which is helpful for understanding the color balance.

Simple Output Structure Outputs both the percentage of each color and the intensity of that color from the first pixel, allowing for easy interpretation of results.

πŸ“ Usage Instructions

  1. Connect Input Image: Connect any RGB image to the input socket.

  2. Evaluate: Run the block to calculate the percentages and intensity values.

  3. Check Outputs: Refer to the outputs for the percentages of red, green, and blue along with their respective intensity values.

πŸ“Š Evaluation

When executed, this function block returns the color density percentages and intensity values from the first pixel of the input image, offering valuable insights into the color composition.

πŸ’‘ Tips and Tricks

Understanding Color Balance

Using this block in conjunction with the Auto Contrast or Contrast-Brightness-Gamma function blocks can help achieve a balanced visualization in images.


Before using this block, running the input through a Image Threshold function block can assist in isolating specific color components within the image, making the density analysis more effective.

Comparing Color Variations

You can connect multiple images to this block to evaluate color distribution across different subjects or conditions, providing a comparative analysis of color density.

πŸ› οΈ Troubleshooting

Unexpected Output Values

If the output values seem incorrect, ensure your input image is in the appropriate format (e.g., it should be an RGB image). Images that are not RGB may yield misleading results.

Output Percentage Greater Than 100

If the calculated percentages exceed 100, check your input image for any processing issues. Ensure that the input is actually an image and that it's properly formatted.

Last updated