This function block allows you to set specific RGB values for a selected mask in the input image, enabling color manipulation based on defined ranges for each RGB component.

πŸ“₯ Inputs

Image Any The input image which you want to modify based on the specified RGB values.

Mask Color A pixel value used to replace the colors within the defined RGB range.

πŸ“€ Outputs

Image Any The modified output image with colors set according to the specified ranges.

πŸ•ΉοΈ Controls

Red Value (Min-Max) A slider that allows you to define the minimum and maximum RGB values for the red channel.

Green Value (Min-Max) A slider that allows you to define the minimum and maximum RGB values for the green channel.

Blue Value (Min-Max) A slider that allows you to define the minimum and maximum RGB values for the blue channel.

🎨 Features

Dynamic RGB Adjustment Users can adjust RGB values on the fly, providing immediate visual feedback on the input image.

Color Masking Allows users to specify a color mask that can replace identified colors within the set RGB range.

πŸ“ Usage Instructions

  1. Connect Input Image: Link an image to the Image Any input for processing.

  2. Define RGB Ranges: Adjust the sliders for Red Value, Green Value, and Blue Value to set the desired range for each channel.

  3. Set Mask Color: Input your desired mask color which will be used to replace the colors within the specified RGB range.

  4. Evaluate Image: The output will display the modified image based on the selected RGB settings and the mask color.

πŸ“Š Evaluation

When executed, this function block modifies the input image and outputs an image with specified colors replaced by the defined mask color based on the RGB ranges set.

πŸ’‘ Tips and Tricks

Fine-Tuning Color Replacement

When setting RGB ranges, consider gradually adjusting the sliders to refine your mask. Use the output to determine if the mask color needs to be more specific.

Using Image Filters

Combining this function block with HSV Filter or Image Threshold can help isolate colors more effectively before applying the RGB set operation.

πŸ› οΈ Troubleshooting

Image Not Changing

If you notice no changes in the output image, ensure that the RGB ranges set by the sliders are correct and that the input image is properly connected.

Mask Color Not Applying

If the mask color is not replacing the original colors as expected, double-check the input format and the values of the mask color to ensure it matches the expected RGB values.

Last updated