Load Image

This function block allows users to load an image from their file system into the application. It provides options to view the image immediately after loading.

📥 Inputs

This block does not accept any inputs.

📤 Outputs

Image RGB The loaded RGB image from the file system.

🕹️ Controls

Load Image A button to open a file dialog and select an image file from your computer.

See Image A button that opens an image viewer to display the loaded image.

🎨 Features

File Dialog A graphical file dialog is provided for easy navigation and selection of image files.

Image Preview Users can view the loaded image immediately using the See Image button.

📝 Usage Instructions

  1. Load Image: Click the Load Image button to open a file dialog and select an image file from your computer.

  2. View Image: Once the image is loaded, click the See Image button to open a dedicated image viewer to see the loaded image.

📊 Evaluation

When executed, this function block will load the selected image from the file system, and it can be used to pass on the image data to other processing blocks.

💡 Tips and Tricks

Supported File Formats

Make sure to load standard image formats such as JPEG, PNG, or BMP, as these are commonly supported by the block.

Image Size Considerations

If working with large images, consider resizing them before loading to manage memory usage efficiently.

🛠️ Troubleshooting

No Image Loaded

If no image is loaded, ensure you've selected a valid image file in the file dialog. If the error persists, check whether the file exists and is accessible.

Error Viewing Image

If an error occurs while trying to view the image after it has been loaded, ensure that the image data is valid and not corrupted.

Last updated