GPU Statistics

This function block provides real-time statistics regarding the GPU's usage, including memory allocation and temperature. It allows users to monitor GPU performance and health through a simple interface.

📥 Inputs

This function block does not have any inputs.

📤 Outputs

String Returns formatted GPU statistics including name, driver version, memory details, temperature, and usage.

🕹️ Controls

There are no controls associated with this function block, as it automatically retrieves and displays GPU statistics.

🎨 Features

Real-time Monitoring The block updates the GPU statistics regularly, giving users accurate insights into GPU performance.

Detailed Statistics Outputs comprehensive information about GPU memory usage, including free memory, used memory, total memory, and memory utilization percentage.

📝 Usage Instructions

  1. Add GPU Statistics Block: Simply place the GPU Statistics function block into your working environment.

  2. Run the Block: Execute the block to view up-to-date statistics.

  3. Observe Data: The statistics will be displayed in the block's UI, updating automatically.

📊 Evaluation

When executed, this function block displays current GPU statistics, allowing for effective monitoring of GPU health and performance metrics.

🛠️ Troubleshooting

No GPU Detected

If the statistics are not displaying correctly, ensure that your system has a compatible GPU installed and that the corresponding drivers are correctly configured.

Inaccurate Data

If statistics appear inaccurate, try restarting the application or checking for updates to both the GPU drivers and the software environment to ensure compatibility.

Last updated